What does 10 years of life look like? The photo on the left is around 10 years ago and on the right this past August. 10 years can seem both long and short, right?
The dancing photo was taken by my friend, great photographer Susan Farley for a proposed article for Conscious Dancer magazine. I had a big, 3-year experience dancing the 5Rhythms, a "conscious dance" practice that changed my life and business. I had to stop because I was dancing all week and ended up with no business or money. But it was a beautiful, life-changing experience.
I met people from all over the world who opened their hearts to me. Many were involved in such interesting work too. Inspiring.
We would go to brunch Sunday mornings after dance and eat up a healthy storm and talk about everything from being human to love, boundaries, food and the future. Kind of like a live Sunday morning Arts & Leisure plus Science section. Cool, huh?
My business name changed from Nonlinear NYC to EmbodyArt as a result of my connection with this tribe. I was forever moved forward into a world of caring and love.
I knew, as an entrepreneur, that I'd have to learn to love my clients if I wanted to be really successful, in all meanings of that word. I talk about this more on my website About page (https://embodyartstore.com/pages/about -- if curious). That conscious dance practice steered me in the direction of love.
Isn't it interesting to see how the pieces of your life are stepping stones to each next piece? It's fun to look back and see how that thing led to that thing led to that person etc.
If I had to put a single phrase on what I've learned these past 10 years, it would be “choose love.”
Where have your past 10 years led you?
(P.S. Dancing photo is with wonderful friends Lisa Ackerman and Elaine Oswald.)
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