“That’s IT!” I said, looking at the sky-high piles of boxes in my music room that had been sitting there gathering dust and cat hair for 6 months. Cute cat but items for donation filled with cat hair doesn’t work well.


When Covid shut down business in March 2020, I was caught with those piles of decluttered items filling up my music room. The Salvation Army had stopped picking up and weren’t allowing drop-offs. After 6 months, I couldn’t take the unusable room and feeling of box claustrophobia any more.

That decisive moment happened.

I ripped open all the boxes and bags and sorted them in one fell swoop into three piles:

1. Sell,

2. Bring to the local church bin (only around briefly),

3. Chuck.

By the end of the afternoon, the entire room was free of boxes, with some reallocated as mentioned above. I was in shock over my own decisiveness and how that had just happened.


What changed? I’d been slowly selling on Poshmark and had come to find that you can sell a huge array of items on there, much more than I’d previously thought possible, which made me look at what was in those boxes with completely new eyes.

About my $11 pasta pot.

The big win was that I had a large pasta pot that was my first and only ever pot from my first apartment. I couldn’t bring myself to chuck it because it was in good shape, no burns or anything. It was just a normal pot. From Macy’s. I’d long wanted a beautiful All-Clad pot and couldn’t justify affording it. (Got it after this sold, I'm happy to say.)

Within a short time, I sold my pasta pot to a happy woman for just $11, a steal.


We live our lives with and through the stuff we accumulate.

Big things. Small things. Pretty things. Useful things. Silly things. Hobby-enhancing things. Electronic things. Cooking things. Expensive things. Useless things.

Pretty much all of us end up with way more stuff than we need. Our stuff starts owning us instead of the other way around. And we don’t even notice it happening until we’re crowded out by our stuff.


Part of the joy of interacting on Poshmark is that you’re a living example of sustainability. Sending my pot off to a new life made me so happy. It’s actually very touching, knowing it’s being appreciated.


This was the start of making $5,365.70 and creating a fun system for how to do that.

It led to realizing I had to share this with you because it's so rewarding, fun and profitable.

Little things lead to big things. That’s one of the real lessons you get from selling on Poshmark. You realize that through selling things for $10 that add up. And you realize it as the items cluttering up your space get sent off with TLC to new lives.


What’s your $11 pasta pot? What do you have lying around that you can’t bring yourself to chuck but you’re no longer using? Come learn how to create open space and get many related bonuses in my “Trash to Cash” program in pre-launch right now. I can’t wait to see your life transform through this experience.


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