THIS IS ADDY, formerly feral

Addy's an amazing cat. She's sister to Austin, also formerly feral. Both neighborhood cats who live life on their own terms. They're a great pair of black and white reversed on each other. Most definitely not feral any more.
Addy helped bring my former kitty, Autumn, who was indoor-only after I rescued her, back to me when she went missing for a scary day years ago. Addy and another cat, Apollo, literally brought her back to me. It was incredible. I asked them to please help me find her and they did. Autumn did not like other cats; she was a people cat. So the other cats had quite a job to do to deal with her. It was an amazing experience.
Addy and Austin seem to live forever. They've been around here for years and I've lived here about 17 years. They jump and are spry and fit. It's so wonderful that they now let you pet them and hang out. Today, they were both hanging out on the porch. It's the little things, right?
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