Email Signature Art

Email Signature Art

Regular price$444.00

Sign off in style

One of the easiest ways to make a good impression on new and existing clients is with a good-looking e-mail signature.

What does that mean? It means styling your contact info nicely, not just slapping it in there. It means adding a tiny photo of you or your brand's logo as part of the signature — without taking up a ton of room. Making it legible and not endless. I'll embed your signature in your e-mail provider so it populates automatically.

I'll make sure your signature displays well on mobile devices also, which it won't if you don't size it properly.

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Time to Embody Art

Your life is the art you create. Let's make it beautiful, fulfilling, loving and abundant. If you can dream it, it can happen for you. Our connection is a beautiful piece of the puzzle.