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A strategic connector, I work well with left brain / right brain, people-oriented visionaries. I can help you make sense of all the possibilities.
I love helping you figure out your content as well as putting together your well-constructed site. Most developers require that you hand them off ready-to-go copy and assets (images, videos) — I’m here to help you figure out what everything should be, if you need that help.
Design, Copy, Tech
I’m a seasoned brand designer who talks tech and is a trained developer. You’d usually have to hire separate companies for this. Your site will look as great as it works.
It’s All in How You Say It
You also have the option to take advantage of my writing and/or editing skills. I love words as much as design. I’m a grammar nut who knows when to use — and when to eschew — proper grammar.

business genius
Katie’s an inspiring blend of wordsmith wizard, graphic ninja and business genius…
Kari Samuels, Coach
Carlsbad, CA

The Best developer
Katie’s communication skills are what sold me… I’ve got the best web developer in the world with Katie…
Gary Turner, Financial Advisor
Vancouver, WA

Katie has MAD SKILLS. Thank you Katie so, so, so much for your brilliance and talent.
Kat Frati, Coach
Manchester by the Sea, NH
The Visionary
total package
- Value Proposition ($3.5k)
- Weekly Consulting Call ($10k)
- Your Packages Defined ($2k)
- Your Pricing Model ($2k)
- Sales Funnel Map ($2k)
- Brand Design ($3.5k)
- Naming System ($3.5k)
- Tagline ($3.5k)
Costs vary based on complexity
- Custom Logo ($3.5k)
- Custom Graphics ($3.5k)
- Custom Photography ($3.5k)
- Custom E-Comm Site ($3.5k)
- Blog ($1k)
- Site Development ($3.5k)
- Online Forms ($3.5k)
- Copywriting & Editing ($5.5k)
- Print Identity ($3.5k)
- Brochure or Rack Card ($2.5k)
- Signage ($5.5k)
Costs vary based on complexity
- Opt-In Language & Setup ($1k)
- Freebie Idea & Design ($3.5k)
- CRM Automation ($2.5k)
- Online Scheduling Setup ($500)
- Sales Page ($3.5k)
- Landing Page ($1k)
- Social Media Identity ($2.5k)
- E-Mail Marketing Setup ($1k)
- E-Mail Sequence ($3.5k)
- Ad Campaign ($3.5k)
- Membership Site ($8.5k)
Costs vary based on complexity
Total Value: $100k
Bundled Rate: $96k
$8k/month x 12
NOTE: We'll configure your perfect package
Bonuses included, e.g, e-mail signature art
Many of the world's most powerful businesses