Video / Audio

Video / Audio

Regular price$444.00

It's time to get personal

We all love to learn by video because it feels easier and more personal. So take advantage of that and let's add it to your site. 

You need a video host to add video to your site because the files are so large. The main options are:

  • Vimeo — good and integrates many places
  • Wistia — high-end with many marketing tools
  • YouTube — not recommended on websites

I recommend either Vimeo or Wistia for adding video to your site. If you want to use YouTube because it's also a great search engine, then upload there in addition to uploading on your site. But you don't want to usually embed YouTube videos on your own site because you can't brand / style them and you'll get random messages at the end. You'll also have much more control over every aspect of your videos using either of the other two providers. 

I'll match your player color to your brand. Wistia includes great marketing options.

Audio is also a great tool. As with video, you'll need an outside host to embed many audio because of large file sizes. Souncloud is often used and I've got other options for you depending on your platform. If you've only got a few audio files, you can host them on your own site.

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Time to Embody Art

Your life is the art you create. Let's make it beautiful, fulfilling, loving and abundant. If you can dream it, it can happen for you. Our connection is a beautiful piece of the puzzle.