Elevate 2023

Elevate 2023

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“An Experience for Men Committed to Thriving

Are you ready to rise beyond current limitations?
Are you ready to fully live your deepest purpose every day?
Are you ready to elevate fulfillment of your life in every domain?

Stop Surviving. Start Thriving.

Like most men, you've felt alone a long time — even when surrounded by people. No matter how much money you make, how healthy your body is, whether you're single or have the family of your dreams, your mental stress and (secret) inner struggles persist. You endlessly search for what you never seem to find:

The Profound Experience of True Freedom

Freedom from what? Stress. Stagnation. Self-doubt. Self-sabotage. Feeling isolated and alone. A consistently nourishing, thriving intimacy may elude you. You may feel disconnected from your deepest purpose. Even when you get your way, somehow it just never fully satisfies.

From The 5 Distractions... to The 5 Pillars

Men tend to be ruled over by 5 primary distractions: work, ass, addiction (alcohol / drugs / porn, etc.), sports and war / politics. Thus, our joy and vitality are inevitably drained by the daily whims of external forces we have little control over. We fail to be present for what really matters and don't know how to use our power in ways where we otherwise would have real agency. So even when we outwardly succeed, we feel internally dissatisfied and endlessly disoriented.


A man disconnected from his deepest purpose is a man lost in, and to, the world. To show up fully for relationship, work, family, love, a man must first feel connected to his deepest purpose — or make finding his deepest purpose his singular obsession.


Too many men are lone-wolfin' it through life, carrying our burdens alone, distrustful of other men. When we finally create strong bonds of trustable brotherhood with other men, we stop feeling alone and we're (re)invigorated with massive capacity to weather whatever storms and conquer whatever obstacles are before us.


Most men struggle to sustain deep, fulfilling connection with an intimate partner because most men fail to sustain deep, fulfilling connection with their own authentic selves. Authentic intimacy with another is built on authentic intimacy with self.


Honoring our origins grounds us in the world. When we live disconnected from family — whether angry at a dead father, out of touch with a sibling or in conflict with our own child — our lives feel unmoored. For our ancestral lineage created us and our descendants may become our legacy.


Regardless of a man's religious faith (or lack of it), daily practices that help him connect to a power / presence greater than his own little ego are essential if he hopes to ever transcend the sufferings that haunt the human experience.


On this year-long journey, you'll do a deep-dive exploration of these 5 Pillars of a Thriving Man. You'll be challenged to confront any domain in your life where you've been playing small and safe, selling yourself (and others) out merely to avoid risk and for the sake of comfort.

You'll awaken to profound insights and learn effective practices to support you as a full-bodied, inspired, thriving man.”

— Bryan Reeves 

why bryan reeves

I'm honored to share Bryan Reeves' work, geared especially to men and also relevant for women. Bryan's no bull approach gives men the guidance they so need without overlooking the toughest challenges and tendencies. Bryan helps men grow into the loving, supportive heroes we women yearn for them to be, which opens us up to be the soft place to land our heroes deserve and that we truly yearn to be.

Bryan Reeves

Manhood, Purpose, Masculinity, Intimacy … Love? Join Bryan Reeves, Air Force Captain turned renowned Life Coach, on the search for wise, powerful, heart-connected men who can show you the essentials for living a truly masterful life as a man.

Time to Embody Art

Your life is the art you create. Let's make it beautiful, fulfilling, loving and abundant. If you can dream it, it can happen for you. Our connection is a beautiful piece of the puzzle.